Happy Hookers is growing, we are now bursting at the seams at the monthly Sunday afternoon tea, so as the need has arisen a weekly group has now begun Monday 13th May from 10am-12noon. You must have completed one of my Punch Needle Rugmaking workshops to attend these creative gatherings. Its a great time to come and ask questions, start a new project or pick up some supplies. We are limited to 10 per session so you will need to book below for the Sunday Sessions or RSVP here for the Monday sessions. Or better still purchase the discounted Happy Hookers 2024 Package which includes 5 afternoon teas and one Rug Makers Day Out. ($125).
Package holders are priority attendees.
Monthly afternoon teas: 1.30-3.30pm every first Sunday of the Month, book below or better still purchase the discounted Happy Hookers 2024 Package .
Weekly morning teas : 10am-12pm every Monday beginning on May 13. RSVP and pay on the day or purchase the discounted Happy Hookers 2024 Package . You may use this package to attend 8 Happy Hookers sessions if you prefer not to attend the Rug Makers Day Out.
Dates for 2024:
Every Monday Morning from 10am-12 (RSVP essential)
May 5th, 13th, 20th, 27th
June 2nd, 3rd,10th,17th,24th
July 1st, 7th,8th,15th,22nd,29th
August 4th,5th,19th,26th,
September 1st,2nd,9th,16th,23rd,30th
October 6th,14th,21st,28th.
November 3rd,4th,11th,18th,25th
December 1st. Christmas gathering at the Studio.